Health Precautions
Friends of the Grail,
UPDATE - 3/15/2020
Attention Grail customers: Beginning on Friday, March 20, we have decided to temporarily close Grail Moviehouse for two weeks. As we approach Friday, April 3, we will assess the situation and determine if we can reopen at that time. We are taking these steps to protect our patrons and staff and to encourage Social Distancing, a strategy to inhibit the spread of the COVID-19 virus. This is a rapidly changing situation, and if we need to close earlier, we will update you.
For the time being, we are suspending all special shows and advance ticket sales until we have a better understanding of our future schedule.
Thank you to those who have purchased gift cards and offered words of support. We look forward to bringing great films to Asheville again soon. In the meantime, stay safe. We're all in this together.
If you have any questions, please email us at
With more cases reported of COVID-19 each day, along with the State of Emergency called by our governor, we want to share some of the steps we’re taking here at the Grail Moviehouse to help keep each other and Asheville healthy.
We’ve implemented some new procedures, increased our efforts within the Moviehouse, and we have a few reminders about what we all can do.
We are currently continuing to run our regular schedule of movies. However, we know that things are changing quickly, and we are closely monitoring updates. We will follow the lead of our federal, state, and local government organizations to determine if we need to alter hours, limit attendance further, or close. We will communicate any changes to our schedule on our website, phone message, and through social media outlets.
At the Grail Moviehouse, you’ll see us taking several extra steps:
• All shows will be sold at a maximum of 50% capacity. You will find yourself with plenty of room between you and the next person.
• Increased disinfecting with EPA approved cleaners of all surfaces, including restrooms, counter tops, and door pulls between all showtimes and before opening.
• We can no longer fill water bottles or containers from home. We will still honor refillable large purchases but will be giving you a new bag or cup each refill.
• We will be limiting capacity at 50% in all three screening rooms. Governor Cooper and the DHHS-NC’s recommendation to cancel or postpone gatherings over 100 people should not affect most shows, but we will take the added measure of capping capacity at 50% in all three screens in order to increase social distance and decrease the potential spread of any disease.
• We will be propping all theater doors at the end of the film and keep them propped until just before shows start to reduce shared surface contact.
• Our staff is dedicated as usual to keeping their hands clean and washed often (more often than usual). Please be patient if we need to wash our hands before helping you. We are trying to keep you and ourselves safe!
• We are following best practices and guidelines as set out by the National Association of Theater Owners, The Art House Convergence, the CDC,and state and local officials regarding theater preparedness.
• If you have purchased tickets for an upcoming show and do not feel comfortable going out or feel ill on the day of the screening, you may request a refund or credit by sending an email to before the showtime. Include your name, movie, date, time and confirmation code. Please make this request with as much notice as possible so we have time to process it. Unfortunately, we can not offer refunds after showtime.
Some reminders for all of us:
• Most important — if you feel sick, please stay home. We will still be here showing movies once you're better and will be glad to see you back.
• We encourage the use of credit cards and online purchasing for tickets. This can reduce contact and handling of money which can be carry viruses more easily and be passed among several people in a short amount of time.
• Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly. Wash for at least 20 seconds with soap and water.
• Keep some social distance. Avoid hugs, handshakes, high fives — though elbow bumps or other creative alternatives are welcome!
When you sit down in the theater, select a seat a bit further from others.
• Cover up any sneezing and coughing with your elbow or use tissues available at the box office or concession stand. Dispose of used tissues right away, and wash your hands immediately.
• Check out this helpful link to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s website that details prevention and treatment strategies.
We appreciate your continued support of the Grail Moviehouse. Let’s work together to keep Asheville healthy!