A documentary about our healthcare system and how we move forward together.
Single Payer Healthcare is not a political issue and solves so many of the problems this country faces including healing political divides and protecting our challenged democracy. Join Healthcare for All WNC for a panel discussion and Q&A with doctors, nurses and others after watching the movie.

Special Screening and Discussion
Monday, September 30 at 7:00
Discussion to Follow
All Tickets are $8
Tickets available at the theater or ONLINE HERE

Healing US documentary shares heartrending stories of our broken health care system and demonstrates through interviews with experts in many fields that a comprehensive single-payer healthcare system would prevent such tragedies and save Americans money.
Executive Producer- Joseph Q. Jarvis MD, a lifelong conservative.

We are all on the same team, regardless of our political ideologies or home state. It’s time to stop fighting each other and work towards a common goal: quality healthcare, free at the point of service for all residents of the U.S.

This event is sponsored by by HealthCare for All WNC
HealthCare For All WNC is an Asheville, NC, group organizing for fundamental health care reform. We advocate a single-payer national health program – improved Medicare for All – that would provide universal coverage, comprehensive benefits, and zero cost sharing.